
6 Simple Flower Arrangements

Fresh From the Garden

Hydrangeas and roses flourish in warm weather. For quick color, Coastal Living contributor Lisa Cregan suggests cutting blooms in the morning and placing them in varied containers, from painted metal buckets to pretty pitchers.

Hostas at Home

To create this eye-catching arrangement from Southern Living simply use glue dots to secure clipped hosta leaves to the outside of a container. (Here a Mason jar is used.)

Red, White, and Blooming

Just in time for summer holidays and cookouts, Senior Garden Editor Kate Karam has created a simple and patriotic arrangement.
1. Line a tiered basket with a layer of sphagnum sheet moss.
2. Cut stems of flowers to one length and at an angle. Remove any leaves that will be below water level.
3. Fill plastic or glass cups two-thirds full of cool water, place in basket, and add flowers; surround with moss to cover cups.
4. To ensure a lasting arrangement, change water daily. If flowers start to wilt, give the stems a fresh cut to reinvigorate them.

Catchy Color

For a look from Southern Living use glass wasp catchers -- available in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors -- as innovative vases. They're inexpensive, sturdy enough for outside or in, and pretty enough to dress up any setting.

Stack It Up

Easy and inexpensive, fishbowls and zinnias elevate a classic summer arrangement in less than five minutes. Follow this easy step-by-step from Style Editor Heather Chadduck.
1. Fill the fishbowl two-thirds full of water. Curl a hosta leaf around the inside of the bowl.
2. Stack one or two bowls on top of the first to vary the height of your arrangement, adding water and a hosta leaf to each bowl.
3. Place zinnias in top bowl. For a single-bowl arrangement, use three flowers; for stacks, cluster five to seven.
4. Change the water daily so zinnias will last longer.

Floating Blooms

Summer heat can take its toll on marigold plants. To make the most of your crop, just snip off the blooms, and float them en masse in a couple of inches of water. Together, their bright colors hint at a promise of cooler weather to come.